Hannover - Rossendorf - Riga
Dr. Andris Muiznieks, Dr. Gunter Gerbeth, Prof. Alfred Muehlbauer

EU COST action P6 "Magnetofluiddynamics"
Working Group "Use of magnetic fields in crystal growth"

Riga, Latvia, CENTRAL BUILDING of University of Latvia
Bul. Raina 19, 4th floor in the hall of "Historic museum of University of Latvia"

Workshop, 13.-14. June 2002

Use of magnetic fields in crystal growth

Final program

13th June

I. Introduction (900 - 1010)

1. Dr. Gunter Gerbeth (Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, Germany). Introduction to the EU COST action P6 "Magnetofluiddynamics".
2. Prof. Olgerts Lielausis, Dr. Janis Freibergs (Institute of Physics, University of Latvia, Latvia). MHD at the Institute of Physics, University of Latvia.
3. Dr. Andris Muiznieks (Institute for Electrothermal Processes, University of Hanover, Germany + Department of Physics, University of Latvia). Technical information about the workshop.
4. Prof. Alfred Muehlbauer (Institute for Electrothermal Processes, University of Hanover, Germany) Scientific cooperation between University of Hanover, University of Latvia and Wacker Siltronic AG on the field of mathematical modelling in crystal growth.
5. Dr. Janis Virbulis (Wacker Siltronic AG, Germany). The use of magnetic fields in industrial growth of single silicon crystals.

Coffee break (1010 -1030)
In the workshop room.

II. Investigation of influence of DC and AC magnetic fields on melt motion during crystallisation process - I (1030 -1230)

6. Dr. Leonid Gorbunov. Experimental investigation of a CZ process of large diameter silicon single crystal growth under the influence of magnetic fields. L. Gorbunov, A. Pedchenko (Institute of Physics, University of Latvia, Latvia).

7. Dr. Daniel Vizman. MHD effects in the industrial Czochralski growth of 300 mm Si crystals. D. Vizman (Physics Faculty, West University of Timisoara, Romania), J. Friedrich (Crystal Growth Laboratory, Fraunhofer Institute IIS-B Erlangen, Germany), G. Müller (Crystal Growth Lab, Institute for Materials Science (WW6), University Erlangen-Nürnberg + Crystal Growth Laboratory, Fraunhofer Institute IIS-B Erlangen, Germany).

8. Dipl. Phys. Armands Krauze. Numerical modelling of turbulent flows in industrial CZ silicon large crystal growth with magnetic fields, 2D and 3D analysis. A. Krauze (Department of Physics, Latvia University, Latvia), A. Muiznieks (Institute for Electrothermal Processes, University of Hanover, Germany + Department of Physics, University of Latvia, Latvia).

9. Prof. Dr. Masahito Watanabe. Control of grown-in defects in 200mm diameter Si crystals by using the electromagnetic Czochralski method (EMCZ). M. Watanabe (Department of Physics, Gakushuin University, Mejiro, Tokyo, Japan).

Lunch (1230 -1330)
In the workshop room. All participants are invited.

III. Investigation of influence of melt motion by DC and AC magnetic fields during crystallisation process- II (1330 -1530)

10. Dr. Ilmars Grants. Application of a rotating magnetic field to the VGF growth of GaAs: basics of melt control and growth results. I. Grants, G. Gerbeth (Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany), U. Wunderwald, O. Pätzold, A. Cröll (TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany).

11. Dr. Peter Dold. Segregation control by the use of dynamic magnetic fields during semiconductor crystal growth. P. Dold (Kristallographisches Institut, University of Freiburg, Germany).

12. Dr. Andris Muiznieks. Numerical modelling of industrial FZ silicon crystal growth with magnetic fields. A. Muiznieks (Institute for Electrothermal Processes, University of Hanover, Germany + Department of Physics, University of Latvia).

13. M.Sc. Maria Laakso. Simulation of Industrial-Scale MCZ process. M. Laakso, O. Anttila, J. Paloheimo (Okmetic OYJ, Vantaa, Finland), J. Heikonen, J. Ruokolainen, V. Savolainen (CSC - Center for Scientific Computing, Ltd, Espoo, Finland).

Coffee break (1530 -1600)
In the workshop room.

IV. Previous experience and further perspectives (1600 -1730)

14. Prof. Dr. Peter Rudolph. What is imaginable by use of magnetic fields at Czochralski growth of III-Vs in low-temperature gradients ? P. Rudolph, M. Neubert (Institute for Crystal Growth, Berlin, Germany).

15. Dr. Gunter Gerbeth. MHD investigations for material technologies at Forschungszentrum Rossendorf. G. Gerbeth, V. Galindo (Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, Germany).

16. Prof. Dr. Yuri Gelfgat. Investigation of different combinations of steady and alternating magnetic fields to control the hydrodynamics and heat/ mass transfer in single crystal growth. Yu. Gelfgat, J. Krumins, M. Abricka (Institute of Physics, University of Latvia).

Dinner and discussions (1900 -2200)
Restaurant-Complex "Lido" on the Krasta street, 2nd floor. We will meet us at the entrance of the Hotel "Konventa seta" at 1900 and the ordered buss will bring us to the "Lido". All colleagues on the participant list (last page of this program) are invited.

14th June

V. Growth conditions at crystallisation interface and crystal properties (900 -1015)

17. Dr. Anke Luedge. Information on the melt growth through lateral photovoltage scanning(LPS) measurements of silicon. Anke Luedge, Helge Riemann, Matthias Renner (Institute for Crystal Growth, Berlin, Germany).

18. Dr. Ilmars Madzulis. Simplified kinetic models for some growth aspects in industrial single crystal growth. I. Madzulis (Department of Physics, University of Latvia), A. Muiznieks (Institute for Electrothermal Processes, University of Hanover, Germany + Department of Physics, University of Latvia).

19. Dr. Andris Muiznieks. Analysis of stability of crystallisation front in industrial single crystal growth. A. Muiznieks (Institute for Electrothermal Processes, University of Hanover, Germany + Department of Physics, University of Latvia).
Coffee break (1015 -1045)
In the workshop room.

VI. Melting and mixing with magnetic fields (1045 -1200)

20. Dr. Valdis Bojarevics. Melting dynamics for different materials in induction cold crucible: numerical simulations comparisons with experiment. V.Bojarevics and K.Pericleous (University of Greenwich, UK), R.Harding and M.Wickins (University of Birmingham, UK).

21. Prof. Dr. Bernard Nacke. Modelling of power requirement for melting of zircon in inductor-crucible furnace. B. Nacke (Institute for Electrothermal Processes, University of Hanover, Germany), V. Frishfelds, A. Jakovics (Department of Physics, University of Latvia).

22. Dr. Egbert Baake. 3D simulation and experimental verification of recirculated turbulent melt flow. Egbert Baake (Institute for Electrothermal Processes, University of Hanover, Germany).

VII. Concluding session, discussion of possible applications (1200 -1230)

Lunch (1230 -1330)
In the workshop room. All participants are invited.

List of the participants

1. Dr. Gunter Gerbeth
g.gerbeth@fz-rossendorf.de - Forschungszentrum-Rossendorf, Germany
2. Dr. Vladimir Galindo
v.galindo@fz-rossendorf.de - Forschungszentrum-Rossendorf, Germany
3. Dr. Janis Virbulis
janis.virbulis@wacker.com - Wacker Siltronic AG, Germany
4. Prof. Dr. Peter Rudolph
rudolph@ikz-berlin.de - Institute of Crystal Growth, Berlin, Germany
5. Dr. Anke Luedge
luedge@ikz-berlin.de - Institute of Crystal Growth, Berlin, Germany
6. Dr. Peter Dold
pit.doldqkrist.uni-freiburg.de - Kristallographisches Institut, University of Freiburg, Germany
7. Prof. Dr. Bernard Nacke
nacke@ewh.uni-hannover.de - Institute for Electrothermal Processes, University of Hanover, Germany
8. Prof. Dr. Alfred Mühlbauer
mbr@ewh.uni-hannover.de - Institute for Electrothermal Processes, University of Hanover, Germany
9. Dr. Egbert Baake
baake@ewh.uni-hannover.de - Institute for Electrothermal Processes, University of Hanover, Germany
10. Dr. Regina Hermann
R.Hermann@ifw-dresden.de - Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, Dresden, Germany
11. Dr. Ulrike Wunderwald
Ulrike.Wunderwald@inemet.tu-freiberg.de - Technical University (Bergakademie) of Freiberg, Germany
12. Dr. Valdis Bojarevics,
v.bojarevics@gre.ac.uk - University of Greenwich, CMS, London, UK
13. Dr. Daniel Vizman
vizman@vion.physics.uvt.ro - Physics Faculty, West University of Timisoara, Romania
14. Maria Laakso
maria.laakso@okmetic.com - OKMETIC OYJ, Vantaa, Finland
15. Prof. Dr. Masahito Watanabe
Masahito.Watanabe@gakushuin.ac.jp - Department of Physics, Gakushuin University, Mejiro, Tokyo, Japan
16. Dr. Leonid Gorbunov
leonid@sal.lv - Institute of Physics, University of Latvia, Latvia
17. Prof. Dr. Yuri Gelfgat
yglf@sal.lv - Institute of Physics, University of Latvia, Latvia
18. Dr. Janis Priede
priede@sal.lv - Institute of Physics, University of Latvia, Latvia
19. Dr. Ilmars Grants
ig@sal.lv - Institute of Physics, University of Latvia, Latvia
20. Dr. Andris Jakovics
ajakov@latnet.lv - Department of Physics, University of Latvia, Latvia
21. Dr. Andris Muiznieks
andrism@lanet.lv - Institute for Electrothermal Processes, University of Hannover, Germany + Department of Physics, University of Latvia, Latvia
22. Dr. Ilmars Madzulis
madzulis@lanet.lv - Department of Physics, University of Latvia, Latvia
23. MSc Armands Krauze
mf70018@lanet.lv - Department of Physics, University of Latvia, Latvia
24. MSc Alexander Pedchenko
al@sal.lv - Institute of Physics, University of Latvia
25. Prof. Olgerts Lielausis
Institute of Physics, University of Latvia, Latvia
26. Dr. Janis Freibergs
Institute of Physics, University of Latvia, Latvia